Projects | Datasets | Description | Credits |
myBlock | AggregateReport-myBlock[T-100] | 20230831: JMeter aggregate report with CSV file format of myBlock project. |
myBlock2 | AggregateReport-myBlock2[T100] | 20220711: JMeter aggregate report with CSV file format of myBlock2 project. |
AggregateReport-myBlock2[T100] | 20230829: JMeter aggregate report with CSV file format of myBlock2 project to find out large impact files. |
AggregateReport-myBlock2[T100] | 20230830: JMeter aggregate report with CSV file format of myBlock2 project with optimal video file sizes. |
AggregateReport-myBlock2[T100] | 20230831: JMeter aggregate report with CSV file format of myBlock2 project with optimal VRM file, Mac02. |
myKLA | myKLA_editor.xlsx | 20221106: System performance metrics data by JMeter of myKLA tool: editor part. |
myKLA_player.xlsx | 20221106: System performance metrics data by JMeter of myKLA tool: player part. |
myKLA2 | myKLA2_detector.xlsx | 20221106: System performance metrics data by JMeter of myKLA2 tool: detector part. |
myKLA2_editor.xlsx | 20221106: System performance metrics data by JMeter of myKLA2 tool: editor part. |
myKLA2_player.xlsx | 20221106: System performance metrics data by JMeter of myKLA2 tool: player part. |
myMoodle2OJ | Stat-PL[Shared]-20230822-cph.xlsx | 20230823: Annual final scores for college freshman first semester Python programming course. |
Stat-mean[Shared]-20230823-cph.xlsx | 20230823: Mean scores of Python programming course from 2019 to 2023 where C1 means college freshman, T1 means high school on-job teacher, H1 means high school students: part 1, and H2 represents high school students: part 2. |
myWood | | [Under Preparation] 20230630: Oak images including five species, such as carbon black oak, Iceland white oak, Munich oak, natural red oak, and natural white oak, of myWood project. |
myOTA | | [Under Preparation] 20230630: System performance simulation data for over-the-air (OTA) mechanism on advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) of myOTA project. |
myDDD | | [IRB Constrainted] 20230830: Data collection for our developed assistive tool to detect deriver's alcohol concentration from the index finger and waist epidermis of myDDD project. |
myNLP | | [Under Preparation] 20231101: Data collection for our developed assistive tool to find out all promises of an mathematical equation of myNLP project. |
myJudge2 | | [Under Preparation] 20240301: Data collection for our developed assistive tool to provide an online judge system for Python programming language with specific coding constraints of myJudge2 project. |
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